a video on the art of process.

Monterey Bay Aquarium

produced and edited a series of Sea Otter Awareness Week videos as an internship project with the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Harvard University’s CS50

producer and editor for CS50x Lecture 6 - Python

producer and editor for CS50’s SQL Lecture 3 - Writing

Saturn Studios

sound operator for Visual Poem, The Know dir. by Allysa Lisbon

No Man’s Land 25th Anniversary Event

assistant camera operator and producer for SPOKE’s No Man’s Land Anniversary

Middle C Music

filmed and edited intro for a short series by Myrna Sislen titled “Myrna on Main Street”

in the heart of Tenleytown, D.C. Myrna sets out to find and put local businesses on the map.

Scene Reenactment - grad school

worked on set as a sound operator/mixer for my cohort’s reenactment scene of the Matrix.